Because I am taking the story a slightly different way I decided to use “hololithic messages” – essentially video and sound recordings – to tell the story. I created a table and rolled randomly whenever the characters found one. Did this right from the first adventure and the more technological the locale the more likely they would fine one. I also “hid” them so they would act as a reward for exploration. Here are the messages revealed as they are found not in chronological order of events.
Lord-captain’s Log, Earth Calendar Date 41,103.6.5. After a week of shadowing the Illithid Fortress ship, it has turned around and is heading straight for us. The ship is gigantic but our scanners still show their weapons are down. I just hope they don’t try to board us. The Divinity is nimbler ship so I should be able to dance indefinitely. Failing that I will have to depend on the Dreadnaught and the Sisters of Battle to do the brunt of the fighting”.