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D&D and the Wrath of Sigmar

To support the divine spellcasting rules.  


Divine spellcasters don’t have to worry about Tzeentch’s Curse. They pray to their Gods for their spells in a highly ritualised fashion even eliminating the need to make Concentration checks when casting.  This insulates them from the worst effects of the Aethyr, though it also means that their spells aren’t as powerful as those of Wizards. Still, spellcasting is never without its risks. Since Priests get their spells from their gods, they run the risk of displeasing some rather powerful beings.  If you are a divine spellcaster, when you roll a critical fail during the spellcasting (even the target creature’s saving throw), you must roll on The Wrath of the Gods to find out if you’ve angered your deity with too many requests for aid.  You roll a number of d10s equal to the degree of failure rolling 1d10 per step of failure from the target DC.

  • 01-15 Unearthly Vision: Your god chooses this time to grant you a symbolic but confusing vision.  This stuns you for 1 round.
  • 16-30 Prove Your Devotion: A few more prayers are required to finish casting the spell. This result adds 1 additional action to the casting time of the spell. You must take this extra time.
  • 31-45 You Try My Patience: You cannot cast another spell for 1 minute.
  • 46-60 Your Cause is Unworthy: Your spell fails, even if it would grant a benefit otherwise.
  • 61-75 Stinging Rebuke: Not only does your spell fail, but you also suffer a –2 penalty to your Wisdom Ability Score for 1 minute.
  • 76-90 What Will You Sacrifice for this Boon?: You take 1d10 radiant damage.
  • 91-99 You Have Sinned Against Me: You have somehow angered your God. You must kneel and repent for 1d10 rounds.  This renders you helpless.
  • 00 Daemonic Interference: Your prayer is answered but not by your God. Roll on Major Chaos Manifestation instead.



Posted in 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer

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