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The Katana of the Lich Shogun’s Eternal Shogunate

This is item was a reward from the “Frozen in Time” adventure the knight/cavalier in my party picked up which was then lost and upgraded due to a Deck of Many Things card pull by the same player. As its a Japanese weapon I made it a kami weapon (tsukumogami). Like all tsukumogami it grows in power as the PC does.

The Katana of the Lich Shogun’s Eternal Shogunate

Weapon (katana), legendary (tsukumogami), requires attunement 

Omen: When you swing the katana, it leaves a trail of blood that evaporates after a moment.

You have a magical bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the katana. No affect of the weapon works unless the full title of the weapon is announced for every attack. When in the hands of its owner its a gleaming ebony weapon with a white handle spattered with red splotches.  When outside of the owners hand it appears pitted, rotted and rusty and will loose all magical properties.  Tsukumogami weapons are bonded to one specific person for the wielders lifetime.

+2 Proficiency bonus

  • The Shogun Brooks No Dissent. +2 SWORD OF LIFE STEALING This ebony iron +2 sword, forged with black magics and bathed in the blood of living sacrifices, has a terrible power that manifests upon a natural 20 on an attack roll. If this happens, the weapon drains a character level from its victim and grants 1d6 temporary hit points to its wielder. These temporary hit points last for one day, and any victim who survives such a strike from a life stealer must make a DC 15 CON saving throw for each level lost. If successful, the level will return in 1d4 days or with a restoration spell. If failed, the level is lost permanently and the victim’s experience points are moved to the mid point of points required for the previous level (as if struck by undead). The life stealing trait does not work on non-living creatures (such as undead on constructs).

+3 Proficiency bonus

  • Fushigiri. If the killing blow is struck against an immortal creature, instead of escaping or reincorporating it is killed instantly. Immortal creatures includes vampires, any extra-planar being who would normally return to their home plane like demons and devils and so on.
  • Crashing Waves. If you move at least 10 feet towards a target in a straight line you have advantage on the attack roll.

+4 Proficiency bonus

  • WIP

+5 Proficiency bonus

  • WIP

+6 Proficiency bonus

  • The katana becomes +3 to hit and damage.
  • Kami Sori (Razor). When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature’s heads. The creature dies if it cannot survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn’t have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the DM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.
  • Awakened Kami. The katana is now fully sentient and either takes the name you give it or takes the name Shi no dīrā (Death Dealer). It has your alignment. Roll on the Sentient Magic Items table to determine its ability scores, communication ability and senses.


Tsukumogami were man-made items of exceptional quality that had had their kami awakened, either through the skill used in creating them or through their association with great deeds. These items can usually only be attuned or used by a single person. They grow in power as the hero who owns it also grows in fame, honour and power.

Posted in 5e, Adventurer's Vault, Gear, Oriental Adventures

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