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Amaterasu’s Tear (pf2e)

Amaterasu’s Tear (Level 1)

Price: 35 gp

Usage: Held in 1 hand

Bulk: 1

Category: Martial

Damage: 1d6 piercing

Group: Sword

Traits: Finesse, Agile, Light, Tsukumogami, Curse

Amaterasu’s Blessing

The weapon heals the wielder with every strike. This healing functions similarly to the Deathdrinking rune (see below), but at half strength until the curse is lifted.


The wielder cannot receive healing from any source except through the use of the blade. This curse can be lifted by performing a specific act of redemption (such as honorably slaying an oni). Until the curse is lifted, the Brilliant and Deathdrinking runes do not activate.

Improvements over Time

  • 2nd Level: Gains a +1 potency rune.
  • 4th Level: The weapon’s damage dice increases to 2d6.
  • 7th Level: Gains the Deathdrinking rune (does not activate until the curse is removed).
  • 10th Level: Gains a +2 potency rune.
  • 12th Level: Gains the Brilliant rune (does not activate until the curse is removed).
  • 12th Level: The weapon’s damage dice increases to 3d6.
  • 16th Level: Gains a +3 potency rune.
  • 18th Level: The Brilliant rune automatically becomes a greater rune (does not activate until the curse is removed).
  • 19th Level: The weapon’s damage dice increases to 4d6.

Rune Details

Deathdrinking Rune (Level 7)

A weapon etched with a deathdrinking rune shimmers with dark purple energy. When held by a living creature, the weapon causes twinges of hunger to manifest. While holding a deathdrinking weapon, you gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws against void damage and death effects. When you critically hit a creature with a deathdrinking weapon, you inflict an additional 1d6 points of vitality or void damage to the creature— whichever type of damage would harm the creature. You also gain the following reaction when wielding a deathdrinking weapon.

Activate [reaction] envision; Frequency once per day; Trigger you kill or destroy a creature with the deathdrinking weaponEffect If the creature you killed was living, you gain a +1 item bonus to attack and damage rolls for 10 minutes. If the creature you destroyed was undead, you gain a number of temporary HP equal to twice your level for 10 minutes.

  • Traits: Rare, Magical, Necromancy
  • Curse: This rune remains inactive until the curse on the weapon is lifted.

Brilliant Rune (Level 12)

This rune causes a weapon to transform into pure, brilliant energy. The weapon deals an additional 1d4 fire damage on a successful Strike, as well as 1d4 good damage to fiends and 1d4 positive damage to undead. On a critical hit, the target must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round.

Activate [one-action] command (light); Effect You plunge your weapon into darkness to return the light. Attempt a counteract check with a counteract level of 5 and a +19 counteract modifier to end a magical darkness effect whose area is within reach of the weapon.

  • Traits: Magical, Spirit
  • Curse: The rune is dormant until the curse is removed.
  • Upgrade: At 18th level, the rune automatically upgrades to the Greater Brilliant Rune (see below).

Greater Brilliant Rune (Level 18)

This rune causes a weapon to transform into pure, brilliant energy. The weapon deals an additional 1d4 fire damage on a successful Strike, as well as 1d4 good damage to fiends and 1d4 positive damage to undead. Damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target’s fire, good, or positive resistance. On a critical hit, the target must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1 round.

Activate [one-action] command (light); Effect You plunge your weapon into darkness to return the light. Attempt a counteract check with a counteract level of 9 and a +31 counteract modifier to end a magical darkness effect whose area is within reach of the weapon.

  • Traits: Magical, Spirit
  • Curse: This rune does not activate until the curse is lifted.

Curse Removal

When the curse is lifted, the weapon transforms into a jade weapon, and both the Brilliant and Deathdrinking runes activate, granting their full benefits. The wielder is then free to receive healing from any source.

Posted in Gear, Pathfinder 2e

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