CIRCLE OF THE BLUE MOON Whether riding on the wind as a falcon or hiding in some fetid bog waiting to strike, the shifter is…
Here for my PCs reference. MAGIC FANG 1st level Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour Class: druid, ranger,…
One of my PCs got trapped in a VR world playing “Everquest 40k”. He was trapped there long enough that his “ranger” got to level…
Posted here as reference for my PCs. Urlkathoon Awakened Cachalot Whale Gargantuan beast, chaotic neutral Armor Class 16 (barkskin, if dispelled AC is 14) Hit Points 276 (24d20…
Looking to use Raising of Redshore (Dungeon 092) as a gateway to epic leveling as well as a way to bring the octopi into the…