Moving on to 3rd edition OA there are a few new monsters in this book that were not in 2e or 1e. Converting them here.…
Original adventure used a yukka-onna – a type of white lady ghost undead. I replaced her with a Five Storm Wind/Ice oni named Rimiko. The…
I tend to base my oni on giants take a leaf out of the Paizo book of oni design. This fits both the historical mythology…
Pronounced “OOH-me BOW-zoo”. A large and very strange looking Yokai that inhabits ocean waters. Also known as “Umi-Nyudo” and “Umi-Hoshi.” A famed Yokai of many…
KIKONU (De-Powered) Medium fiend (oni), lawful evil Armor Class 14 (natural) Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21) Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA…
JA NOI ONI BUSHI Medium fiend (oni), lawful evil Armor Class 16 (brigandine) Hit Points 1; minion does not take half damage Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT …
A Japanese mythological creature that combines a succubus and vampiric traits. Hino-Enma Medium fiend (shapechanger, oni), neutral evil Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)…
I am currently running an Oriental Adventures (OA) campaign called The Divine Heir and the Jade Regent loosely based around the Pathfinder Adventure Path the Jade Regent with strong influences from…
I am currently running an Oriental Adventures (OA) campaign called The Divine Heir and the Jade Regent loosely based around the Pathfinder Adventure Path the Jade Regent with strong influences from…
I am currently running an Oriental Adventures (OA) campaign called The Divine Heir and the Jade Regent loosely based around the Pathfinder Adventure Path the Jade Regent with strong influences from…