We finished the Oriental Campaign today with a final battle with Anumaramon. My PCs were level 20 and they just full on frontal assaulted the…
A few more monster conversion from the 3rd edition Creatures of Rokugan Oriental Adventures supplement. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Elementals can have any alignment not just neutral in the…
In the final campaign showdown for The Divine Heir and the Jade Regent the PCs will be fighting against Renshii Meidi amoung other bad guys.…
I based the Huyanwo off Kalameet from Dark Souls. In fact I was planning on using the Dark Souls Boardgames to run this as void dragons…
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters): Six years, I dragged myself, kicking and screaming, into health clubs, and zilch! Now, one little green blood transfusion from you and……
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