Moving on to 3rd edition OA there are a few new monsters in this book that were not in 2e or 1e. Converting them here. This one is particularly gross.
The dokufu, or mountain spider, is an evil shapechanger that implants its eggs into human bodies to provide food for its young, then swallows the bodies whole so the eggs can hatch in its digestive tract.
In its natural form, a dokufu is a monstrous spider about 15 feet in diameter and 10 feet tall atop its thick legs. It is covered with a heavy exoskeleton resembling the rocks of its mountain habitat. In human form, a dokufu appears to be its actual age — usually an impossibly old human.
In human form, a dokufu uses surprise to entrap a solitary victim in its web and force eggs down the victim’s throat. If attacked in human form, it reverts to its normal form or flees. In spider form, it attacks with the razorlike claws of its front legs.
Banner Credit: “Bog Hag” by Michele Giorgi, (c) Alderac Entertainment.