Ha Jau was once a Lung dragon and part of the Celestial Bureaucracy, however, he was punished for his greed and turned into a hog…
The original cut content used phase spiders which I didn’t really feel was very “Oriental Adventures”. Swapped them with these guys. Had my PCs head scratching but otherwise…
Following the rules for kensai levelling up the kensai must fight a duel each time he levels – with a 10% chance per level. My PC got…
At the end of the characters stay in Ordan-Aganhei they are ambushed by a ninja during a parade (the ninja’s were hidden in the paper…
At the end of the characters stay in Ordan-Aganhei they are ambushed by a ninja during a parade (the ninja’s were hidden in the paper…
I took the original and used an idea from Nioh where a swarm of spirits take over a good kami and turn it into a…
Played this today, turning into a dragon was key. Without it, the fight would have been shorter and not as interesting. The total hit point…