Original adventure used a yukka-onna – a type of white lady ghost undead. I replaced her with a Five Storm Wind/Ice oni named Rimiko. The…
Another monster stolen from Sekiro – the Immortal Monk. My PCs bypassed these as well as one of my players had played Sekiro and when…
I tend to base my oni on giants take a leaf out of the Paizo book of oni design. This fits both the historical mythology…
The monastery abbot and the cause of the curse that turned him and his fellow monks into cold zombie slaves of Rimiko the Hungry Storm.…
During the Hungary Storm adventure, the party has to deal with a mob of re-animated ice-zombies. This was a mini-boss type encounter that my party…
During the Hungary Storm adventure, the party has to deal with a mob of re-animated ice-zombies. Not a threat individually but there are 90+ of…