Converted for my home campaign as part of Season of the Ghost. Guns & Gears characters have access to this deity. This is the kami…
Conversion for my own Seasons of Ghost which I am setting in my equivalent of fantasy Korea. These kami belong to the Tian Gods pantheon.…
Moving on to 3rd edition OA there are a few new monsters in this book that were not in 1e. Converting them here. DESCRIPTION…
From the adventure 1e AD&D Oriental Adventure module – OA3: Ochimo the Spirit Warrior. Harooga was the spirit captured by the Dead Spirit King that…
Within this elaborate suit of armor can be seen the partial form of a determined warrior. ZUISHIN Medium celestial (kami), lawful good Armor Class 19 (natural armor)…
This strangely beautiful old woman is composed completely of blossoms, bark, and antlerlike branches. TOSHIGAMI Medium celestial (kami), neutral good Armor Class 16 (natural armor)…
This massive, serpentine carp explodes forth from the water, its rainbow-colored scales gleaming in the sunlight and glossy eyes bright with good-natured intelligence. SUIJIN Huge…
Converted here to be used for my OA campaign. This tiny, crudely carved statue of a robed man has glowing runes running across its surface.…
Converted here to be used for my OA campaign. This enormous humanoid possesses vibrant green skin and equally loud hair, and is surrounded by a…
Converted here to be used for my OA campaign. This enormous amalgamation of stone and plant matter takes the shape of an old man leaning…
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