Mind flayer samurai! What is there not to like!? Inspired by Flying Frog Productions Forbidden Fortress. These guys form the body-guard for the big-bad in my…
The vivmancer is a bad guy the PCs have to deal with to find the way into the Undercity as part of “Dawn of the…
My PCs have conquered the bad guys in “A Darkness Gathering” and now head off to the North in “Masters of Eternal Night“. They are…
My PCs have conquered the bad guys in “A Darkness Gathering” and now head off to the North in “Masters of Eternal Night“. As the…
Running a 5e conversion of the 2nd edition adventure “A Darkness Gathering” – a campaign I have just called Thoughts of Darkness (heavily inspired by…
Bringing back an old 3.5e monster and co-opting the Thoon Hulk for the Dominion of the Black. Thought the Dominion Hive in The Valley of…
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