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I spend a lot of time building encounters, writing snippets of very specific but small stories usually in the form of random encounters, converting or creating monsters and so on.  I find the whole thing pretty creative and enjoy it.  I don’t always get to use everything and I figured a blog is as good a way as any to share some of my ideas, conversions and encounters etc. to help you, the DM, get through the night.

I’ve been playing D&D since 1980 and have spent most of that time as a Dungeon Master as opposed to a player (trivia: the same campaign world I built as a kid in the 80s is the same campaign world I use today – my Players have not yet successfully destroyed it!)

I don’t run adds and I do this as a hobby and for the joy of it but if you like my stuff and want to support me you can do so by buying one of DM’s Guild pdfs.


PS. The forum section is only open to my PCs only.

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