Custom/converted magic items for my homebrew campaign world “The Ninth World”. Placed here for my PCs to reference. BEHOLD BESTOW BEHAVE Weapon (battleaxe), rare GP…
Part two of the ongoing adventures of my group. Original Google doc here. Rogues Gallery – “General Puggin’s Moribund Mercenaries”* The Rogue – Giselle der…
Part two of the ongoing adventures of my group. Original google doc here. Rogues Gallery – “General Puggin’s Moribund of Mercenaries”* The Rogue – Giselle der…
Part two of the ongoing adventures of my group. Original google doc here. Rogues Gallery – “General Puggin’s Moribund of Mercenaries”* The Rogue – Giselle der…
Part two of the ongoing adventures of my group. Rogues Gallery – “General Puggin’s Moribund of Mercenaries”* The Rogue – Giselle der Gauner the Soulknife due…
So, I am running a mini-campaign for my kids and my wife. The kids wanted a combat heavy game so I grabbed the 4e adventure…
Running a combination of 1e Against the Giants and 4e’s Revenge of the Giants. Found this little spell in the back of the 1e adventure.…