Moving on to 3rd edition OA there are a few new monsters in this book that were not in 1e. Converting them here.
In terms of style, I like the 3e version where she has snakes coming out of her sleeves but otherwise looks like a normal human as opposed to literal snake arms.
Edit, found that DM Dave had converted it after I had done it (thanks google). I “stole” is sorcery spell traits as my version originally used cleric spells.

Hebi-no-onnas are vain creatures who delight in the adoration or even worship of warped and deluded humanoids. Whether found as solitary murderers, powerful spellcasters with an entourage of slaves, or at the center of an entire cult network, hebi-no-onnas are dangerous foes whose evil knows no bounds. A hebi-no-onna appears as an ordinary human woman, gen- erally very attractive and attired like a wealthy noblewoman, in a kimono of the finest silk or linen. Her voluminous sleeves, however, hide arms that are writhing serpents, complete with venomous bites. Hebi-no-onnas love precious stones, and drape themselves in jewelry beyond the limits of good taste.
Hebi-no-onnas prefer to use their hypnotic gaze on opponents, and cast spells if they are able, before entering into melee. They are more in love with themselves than with any of their plans or goals, so they never hesitate to flee from a fight that is going poorly for them, even if it means leaving valuable slaves to their deaths as they cover her retreat.
Banner Credit: “Hebi-no-Onna” by Amer Osmani.