Just published an OSE version of much of the 5e science-fantasy content of this blog over on driveThruRpg. Here is some supporting content for the…
Just published an OSE version of much of the 5e science-fantasy content of this blog over on driveThruRpg.
CIRCLE OF THE BLUE MOON Whether riding on the wind as a falcon or hiding in some fetid bog waiting to strike, the shifter is…
One of my PCs got trapped in a VR world playing “Everquest 40k”. He was trapped there long enough that his “ranger” got to level…
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters): Six years, I dragged myself, kicking and screaming, into health clubs, and zilch! Now, one little green blood transfusion from you and……
With AIs abounding in my world who are seen as Powers (gods) by the common folk and machine spirits by the more learned, here is an…
By player request, inspired by the Gungeon final boss – The Lich. GUNLOCK Gunesis 1:1 In the beginning, the Gungeon was formless and void, and…
A home brew cavalier inspired by the original 1e AD&D Unearthed Arcana version as well as the updated knight version from Castle & Crusades, merged…
A C&C/OSR Warlock for my players – inspired by both the DCC warlock and the optional Basic Fantasy Warlock. This completes my attempt to mechanically differentiate…
Silver Dragon Progression as a character class XP Level HD Proficiency Save Proficiency Size Skills Maximum Spell Level Traits 0 1 2d8 +2 DEX Medium…