A reward in my Oriental Adventures campaign. Posted here for my PCs to reference. I am using the nemuranai tag for OA magic items since in Japanese Mythology magic items are not forged or made (this is seen as disrespectful to the indwelling spirit). Instead the items awaken through various processes – spontaneously, or through powerful magic.
Inspired by Shield Hero (the Fan Hero) and the Sekiro fan.
グラス (GLASS)
Weapon (warfan), legendary (nemuranai, requires attunement by a geisha)
Omen: Whenever you set the fan down, it immediately rights itself to balance on the base of the fan, always 90-degrees angle to any surface it touches, regardless of gravity. It begins spinning whenever an oni (or other fiend) is within 5 feet.
This finally crafted warfan is shaped like an autumn leaf. It tapers to a razor-sharp point. As a nemuranai item, you can the following additional benefits as you increase in levels. Spells that target a creature must be triggered as part of the attack action (if an enemy) or as a bonus action or reaction (if an ally). For example, to use faerie fire the geisha must hit the target to trigger the effect. If an attack misses the spell is not consumed. Once Glass has been used to cast a spell, it can’t be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn. The spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC. Each ability is linked to your proficiency bonus:
- +2
- Loaded. Glass acts as a shield granting you +2 to AC.
- Maiko’s Focus. Glass can be used as part of a Performance check to use any bard ability and maybe used to replace an instrument requirement. You can play the instrument while casting a spell that causes any of its targets to be charmedon a failed saving throw, thereby imposing disadvantage on the save. This effect applies only if the spell has a somatic or a material component.
- Masterwork. Glass is a masterwork quality weapon that does +1 damage.
- Mourn. Once per day, you can use an action to sing an eerie, spellbinding tune. Each creature within 30 feet of you that hears you play must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightenedof you for 1 minute. If you wish, all creatures in the area that aren’t hostile toward you automatically succeed on the saving throw. A creature that fails the saving throw can repeat it at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to the effect of the tune for 24 hours.
- Fujin’s Blessing I. faerie fire, gust of wind, and warding wind
- +3
- Divine Abduction. You may cast misty step; however, the range/area is changed to Touch. If targeting a hostile create, the target gets a saving throw equal to your spell casting DC.
- Iron Fan. Glass grants you the defensive dualist feat while using it in combat.
- Magic I. Glass is now a magic weapon and grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Magnetic I. By spinning Glass in a defensive pattern, you can absorb incoming fire. As a reaction to being hit by a ranged attack you can gain resistance to all ranged attacks until the end of your next round. If you choose you can also redirect incoming range fire within 10 feet to you as well.
- Omen II. Glass now sings when used in combat.
- Fujin’s Blessing II. invisibility, cure wounds, and wind wall
- +4
- Golden Vortex. Your fans give off a trusting aura reducing the cost of all goods you purchase by 10% and increasing the value of all goods you sell by 10%. This is an enchantment effect. Also, when you make a Charisma check, you can replace the number you roll with a 15.
- Lilac. Using Glass, you perform the dance of the dead. As a reaction to being hit by an undead enemy or any creature with the spirit tag you can gain resistance to attacks from that creature until the end of your next round.
- Magnetic II. When using Glass to absorb incoming ranged fire instead of absorbing the damage you may redirect the damage you would normally take to a target within 30 feet of you.
- Omen III. The colour of Glass’s leaves changes to suit the season.
- Twin. Glass duplicates itself and grants you the dual wield feat while using it in combat. This allows you to cast two spells per round (only Glass spells).
- Fujin’s Blessing III. cure wounds (3rd level), steel wind strike.
- +5
- Suzaku’s Protection. You gain the blessing of the vermilion bird Suzaku. As a reaction to being hit by an energy based attack you can cast protection from energy or protection from poison.
- Magic II. Glass’ magical bonus increases to +2.
- Fujin’s Blessing IV. cure wounds (5th level), investiture of wind
- Magnetic III. By spinning Glass in a defensive pattern, you can absorb incoming fire. As a reaction to being hit by a ranged weapon or spell attack you:
- Gain resistance to all ranged attacks until the end of your next turn.
- If you so choose you can redirect incoming range fire within 10 feet to you as well.
- Damage you resist can be redirected to a target within 10 feet of you.
- +6
- Awakened Kami. Glass is now fully sentient and either takes the name you give it or retains the name Glass. It has your alignment. Roll on the Sentient Magic Items table to determine its ability scores, communication ability and senses.
- Fujin’s Blessing V. whirlwind
- Omen IV. Glass’s leaves are now golden.
- Deflection. Once per day you may reflect a spell targeting you back at the caster.
- Magnetic IV. By spinning Glass in a defensive pattern, you can absorb incoming fire. As a reaction to being hit by any ranged (spell, weapon or ranged based AOE) attack you:
- Gain resistance to all ranged attacks or the related energy type until the end of your next turn.
- If you so choose you can redirect incoming range fire within 20 feet to you as well.
- Damage you resist can be redirected to a target within 10 feet of you.