There were some monsters from the AD&D Oriental Adventure book I did not convert originally because I didn’t see the point of them from an D&D ecological point of view the goblin spider was one of these.
However, these are legitimate creatures from Japanese mythology so for completeness sake here is the goblin spider. It also covers off a whole swath of spider like creatures in D&D – the driver is a jorōgumo, the kumo, a more competent type of shapeshifting spider is a doppelgänger, lesser kumo are areanea and so forth. The main difference is age. The age of the spirit determines its capabilities with the goblin spider at the bottom, the kumo as the arenea/doppleganger and the driver as the the jorogumo.
One example of a kumo has been posted already, the others are on their way.
Large monstrosity (yokai), neutral evil
The goblin spider, or earth spider, looks like a huge furry spider of particu- larly evil cast. They dwell far from human habitations in the rough wooded mountains common to Kara-Tur. Once they dominated large sections of the land now controlled by humans and view humans and their allies as invaders to their homelands. As such, they take every opportunity to cause harm to human travelers and settlers on the edges of their territories.
Goblin spiders do not spin webs, instead making their lairs in tunnels underground. The entrances to these tunnels are carefully concealed by trapdoor openings. The goblin spiders are able to detect the vibrations of creatures passing overhead and attack by springing suddenly from their lairs. Once in combat, they attempt to grab their victim and drag him back into the lair, closing the door behind them.
Goblin spiders are excellent mimics, able to imitate any voice or animal sound they hear, although when imitating languages they do not understand they can only repeat words they have heard spoken. Although not exceptionally intelligent, they are clever and devious, often using their mimicry to lure victims to their doom. They speak their own language, the language of spiders, the trade language, and the language common to the human inhabitants near their lair.
There is a 30% chance that there are 2d4 giant spiders in the immediate vicinity of any goblin spider lair. These creatures serve as guards for the goblin spiders and assist them in any battle.
Banner/Insert Art Credit: “Old Brother Demon”, Demon Slayer Manga/Anime