In season of the ghost I wanted to turn Iogaka into an oni that would challenge 5 level 5 characters. Here is the conversion/update of…
I wanted to add more character to the patron of one of my PCs patron – The Spinner of Threads (or Sanjin in my game…
I am running Season of the Ghost as my first pf2e campaign. Book 1 had some downtime activities to finish, and Chapter 1 of Book 2 is…
I converted for my home campaign as I am running the pf1e Adventure Path – Reign of Winter. YRAX, LORD OF THE HOWLING STORM Level:…
I converted for my home campaign as I am running the pf1e Adventure Path – Reign of Winter. Iantor (Level 11) Male Hybrid Creature (Destrachan…
I converted for my home campaign as I am running the pf1e Adventure Path – Reign of Winter. General Malesinder Creature 12 Chaotic Neutral Medium…
I converted for my home campaign as I am running the pf1e Adventure Path – Reign of Winter. Moon Beast (Creature 11) NE Huge Aberration…
Nazhena Vasilliovna,Witch 8 N, Medium, Human, Humanoid Perception +11; Languages None selected Skills Acrobatics +4, Arcana +14, Athletics +0, Deception +11, Diplomacy +11, Intimidation +15, Medicine +11, Nature +11,…
Converted for my players. Waukeen Liberty’s Maiden, The Coinmaiden, Merchantsfriend, Merchants’ Friend, Merchant’s Friend, The Golden Lady, Our Lady of Gold, Lady of Trade, Mistress…
Here is the list of all the treasures the party should gain during the Frozen Star module, which is part of the Reign of Winter…