I wanted to add more character to the patron of one of my PCs patron – The Spinner of Threads (or Sanjin in my game of Season of the Ghost). I thought a good mechanism for this would be the Lesson feats. Since I have alway liked the idea of the Patrons from the DCC RPG, I used the Three Fates Patron as the inspiration for these Lessons. I am using the four degrees of success to allow for some randomness – because fate is fickle.
Spinner of Threads Witch Patron: The Three Fates
Basic Lesson: Twist of Fate
Frequency: Once per hour
Trigger: You or an ally within 30 feet fails a check (attack roll, saving throw, or skill check).
Effect: You twist fate slightly in the target’s favor. Roll a Spellcasting Check against a Level-Based DC. Resolve the effect based on the degree of success.
- Critical Success: Roll 2d6 and add the higher result to the failed check.
- Success: Roll 1d6 and add the result to the failed check.
- Failure: Roll 1d4 and add the result.
- If the check fails by more than 5, you gain 1 level of taint.
- Critical Failure: Fate twists against you. The target takes a –1 penalty on their next d20 roll, and you gain 1 level of taint.
Hex: Foresight Glimpse
You grant a creature a brief glimpse of the future. The target gains a +1 status bonus to its next saving throw, attack roll, or skill check made within 1 minute. Once the target uses this bonus, the effect ends. This hex can only affect a creature once per hour.
Spell: Augury
You receive an omen from the Fates about the results of a particular course of action. The answer typically reveals whether the action will result in good or bad outcomes, as determined by the GM (as the spell of the same name).
Greater Lesson: Weave Protection
Frequency: Once per day
Trigger: You or an ally within 30 feet is hit by an attack or critically fails a saving throw.
Effect: The Fates momentarily shield the target. Roll a Spellcasting Check against a Level-Based DC. Resolve the effect based on the degree of success.
- Critical Success: The triggering attack deals no damage, and the target gains a +2 status bonus to AC until the end of their next turn.
- Success: The triggering attack deals only 1 damage, as described.
- Failure: The triggering attack deals half damage instead of 1 damage. If the check fails by more than 5, you gain 1 level of taint.
- Critical Failure: The Fates falter. The triggering attack deals full damage, and you gain 1 level of taint.
Hex: Threads of Time
You briefly weave time in your favor. Choose one creature within 60 feet. That creature can immediately take a Step or Stride action as a free action. Alternatively, you can use this hex to delay a creature’s action by 1 round, preventing them from acting until the start of their next turn. This hex can only be used on a creature once per hour.
Spell: Haste
You speed up time for an ally, granting them an additional action each round to use for Stride or Strike (as the spell of the same name).
Major Lesson: Boon of the Fates
Frequency: Once per week
Effect: You call upon the Fates to intervene directly. Roll a Spellcasting Check against a Level-Based DC. Resolve the effect based on the degree of success.
- Critical Success: Roll 1d6 for the duration (in rounds) of each effect: Evade Death, Fate’s Blessing, and Resist Harm. Share this number with the PCs.
- Success: Secretly roll 1d4 for the duration (in rounds) of each effect.
- Failure: Secretly roll 1d2 for the duration (in rounds) of each effect. If the check fails by more than 5, you gain 1 level of taint.
- Critical Failure: The Boon backfires. Allies gain no benefits, enemies gain a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls against you for 1 round, and you gain 1 level of taint.
Evade Death: No affected creature can die during this time. If they would be reduced to 0 HP, they instead remain at 1 HP.
Fate’s Blessing: Each affected creature gains a +2 status bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.
Resist Harm: Each affected creature takes only 1 damage from any successful attack during this time.
Hex: Prophetic Glimpse
You grant an ally a brief vision of the future. They gain a +2 status bonus to their AC or saving throws against the next attack or harmful effect that targets them. If they succeed at their defense, they can immediately take an action to Strike or Stride as a reaction.
Spell: Time Stop
You momentarily halt time, allowing you to take several actions in rapid succession while others are frozen in place (as the spell of the same name).
Axiomatic Taint
When a witch gains taint, roll on the following table to determine the specific effect. Taint represents a disruption in the witch’s connection to fate caused by chaotic magic or unintended consequences of invoking the Fates.
Clearing Taint
Taint can be removed by completing a quest or performing a ritual assigned by the Fates. Additionally, spending a day in meditation and succeeding at a Will save of your Class DC removes 1 level of taint.
d6 | Taint Effect |
1 | Weakened Vitality: You take a –1 penalty to Fortitude saves until the next dawn. |
2 | Shadow-Self: You are haunted by a spectral doppelganger that only you can see, causing distraction. You take a –1 penalty to Perception checks and initiative rolls until the next dawn. |
3 | Fractured Mind: Chaos whispers invade your mind. You take a –1 penalty to Will saves for 24 hours. |
4 | Flicker of Fate: Your connection to fate is unstable. Once within the next 24 hours, when you critically succeed, you instead succeed normally. |
5 | Destiny’s Weight: You feel fate weighing heavily on you. You are Clumsy 1 for 1d4 hours. |
6 | Fate’s Rejection: The Fates momentarily withdraw their favor. You cannot use any lessons for 1 hour. |
Severe Taint
If you accumulate 3 levels of taint without cleansing it, you lose access to your patron’s lessons until you atone through a major quest or dangerous ritual (determined by the GM).