At the end of the characters stay in Ordan-Aganhei they are ambushed by a ninja during a parade (the ninja’s were hidden in the paper…
At the end of the characters stay in Ordan-Aganhei they are ambushed by a ninja during a parade (the ninja’s were hidden in the paper…
A conversion of the 1e Oriental Adventures yakuza. Not 100% happy with it, but it works. YAKUZA The yakuza is many different things, depending on…
The shinobi class for 5e Oriental Adventures. A note on shinobis. In Japan, shinobi and ninja are interchangeable terms. However, in this particular instance, shinobi is more…
This is a thematic feat for the rogue class. It fits in with the 1e Oriental Adventures description of a yakuza. However, the original yakuza class is not different enough from…
The ninja class for 5e Oriental Adventures. You could argue that the assassin archetype fits the ninja quite well but historically the ninja was as much a…