As part of the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks campaign, my PCs took on their first boss. 8 PCs and 4 Henchmen/NPCs with an average level of 6. The boss was a Rubik-like cube robot/mechanical entity called Rethiarius. Corrupted by a creature known as a Telepath (a reskinned mind flayer, inspired by Prey 2017). The cube fight was inspired by similar enemies in Skyforge I encountered back in 2017/18. I used zone combat for the fight, and it worked very well. I am using World Anvil to run my games now, and you can find the boss statblock here and the zone set up for the fight here.
Rethiarius the Sentinel
Posted in 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Encounter, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, Monstrous Compendium, Science-Fantasy, The Ninth World