Converting the 3rd edition OA monsters as there are a many new monsters in this book that were not in 1e. Converting them here.
This is actually the Pathfinder version as it is a bad-guy in the Jade Regent AP. Original was only CR 2.
This human-sized woman is dressed in simple peasant clothing. From her shoulders sprouts a grotesquely long neck that coils about like a snake, and razor-sharp teeth fill her gaping maw.
Rokurokubi are sly and cunning, and delight in causing suf- fering. They sometimes befriend a group of travelers or a peas- ant family, only to slay them one at a time in secret. They com- monly disguise themselves as travelers and attack other travelers they meet on the road.
Like a number of other monsters — the hannya, the naga, and the hebi-no-onna — the rokurokubi combines features of a serpent with human appearance. The rokuro-kubi’s only snake- like feature, though, is its long neck, which it can coil around an opponent to squeeze or strangle him to death. Under most circumstances, rokurokubi are indistinguishable from humans, and they take pains to maintain the illusion of humanity. They typically dress in fine clothes, or else the humble garments of a pilgrim or other traveler. The illusion is quickly shattered when a rokurokubi attacks its chosen victim, as it stretches its neck like a huge snake, to a length of up to 20 feet. A rokurokubi’s mouth is filled with sharp fangs. Rokurokubi speak Common and Yuan-Ti.
Banner Credit: “Rokurokubi” by Patryk Jedraszek.