Syandana’s are the technological equivalent of magical cloaks. It can emulate any of the standard D&D magical cloaks though they never require attunement and they also generally fail on a critical roll (they run out of batteries or just malfunction and stop working). The special abilities and traits imparted are also only active at the PCs behest. If it matters, this decision to activate or not activate is a free action. Because of this they generally should be slightly more powerful than a standard magic item. Even if they fail they can still be worn for fashion.
Some examples:
Scatterlight. While wearing this syandana all energy attacks that target you have disadvantage on the attack roll (for example a lasgun or scorching ray), or, you have advantage on the related saving throw (for example, vs a fireball). Whenever the scatterlight syandana is used to force disadvantage or grant advantage the wearer rolls a 1d20. On a 1 the syandana stops functioning after this encounter.
Imperator. While wearing this syandana you can use your reaction to gain resistance to a damage type you have just been damaged by for 1 minute. The gamut of protection is limited to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing. Whenever the imperator syandana is used to gain damage resistance the wearer rolls a 1d20. On a 1 the syandana stops functioning after this encounter.
Foxglove. While wearing this syandana you can use your bonus action or reaction to activate its protective power. Once activated the foxglove syandana provides immunity to poison damage and resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder for 10 minutes. Each time the foxglove syandana is activated the wearer rolls a 1d20. On a 1 the syandana stops functioning after 10 minutes.
Sari. While wearing this syandana you can use your bonus action or reaction to activate its power of flight. This acts as the fly spell except the duration is 1 hour. In addition, it can be used to provide a burst of speed, once per minute, you can double your movement rate. Each time the wearer uses its fly ability (either standard or as a burst of speed) roll a 1d20, on a 1 the syandana stops functioning permanently after 1 hour.