My PCs, after much persistence and a combination of good luck and clever thinking master The Golden Barge from the Slumbering Ursine Dunes. My PCs immediately absconded with the vehicle with the Eld in hot pursuit. I ended up making some statistics for it so I can do some battles with it down the track. and here are converted monsters for my own reference with abbreviated 5e stat blocks. Posted here for my and PCs reference. I essentially turned it into a living hovercraft.
Gargantuan vehicle (24,000 lb.)
Creature Capacity 60 Medium creatures (includes 48 ghuls)
Cargo Capacity 20 ton
Armor Class 19
Hit Points 200 (damage threshold 10, mishap threshold 20)
Speed 0, ft., fly 100 ft (hover), Overland 3 miles per hour
Saves STR +0, DEX +4, CON +4
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Language Eld
Magic Weapons. The Golden Barge’s weapon attacks are magical.
Prone Deficiency. If the Golden Barge rolls over and falls prone, it can’t right itself and is incapacitated until flipped upright.
Gunnery Control Tower (1 Crew). One crew member can control all 3 fireguns if it can speak Eld and has mastered the Navigator Throne. Otherwise each firegun must be manually fired.
Living Machine. The Golden Barge is a living bio-mechanical creature. It needs to rest 8 hours every day or suffer exhaustion.
Solar Sails. The Golden Barge can deploy solar sails during daylight hours. Not only is this a way for the ship to gain sustenance it increases the speed of the ship depending on the weather conditions – Speed becomes 200‘ in full sunlight (6 miles an hour), 150’ in cloudy conditions (4.5 miles an hour) and 120’ in overcast conditions (3.5 miles an hour).
Navigator Throne (Helm) (1 Crew). Drive and steer The Golden Barge. Only a creature that speaks Eld, and has passed the “Harrowing” can pilot the ship*.
Firegun #1 (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Ammunition: 10 glass balls filled with amber liquid per station. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 120 ft., 10-foot sphere. Hit: 4d6 fire damage.
Firegun #2 (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Ammunition: 1d10 glass balls filled with amber liquid per station. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 120 ft., 10-foot sphere. Hit: 4d6 fire damage. Currently damaged, needs repairs and cannot be used.
Firegun #3 (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover). Ammunition: 1d10 glass balls filled with amber liquid per station. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 120 ft., 10-foot sphere. Hit: 4d6 fire damage.Currently occupied by a giant two-headed vulture and needs minor repairs and cannot be used.
48 Ghuls that act as the crew as well as marines as needed. They cannot man the fire-guns or the helm, they are part of the ship. The Golden Barge can produce 1 ghul every day to its maximum compliment of 48.Ghul, AC 12, HP 16, MV 30′, Almost Invisible, 1x Bone Scimitar +3/1d6.
*The harrowing is a test to master the rebellious ship. The PC must speak Eld, must then make a dc 20 Wisdom saving throw or lose 1d4 Wisdom permanently – and fail the test. If the Wisdom check is passed the target must then roll 5d6 under the creatures Intelgicne or they are dominated by the ship and cannot control it. the domination persists while the creature sits on the Navigator Throne.