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Battle Armour (Mark I Tonitruum Pattern)

Provided here for my PCs reference.

Battle (Power) Armour (MK I), Kwalish Modified
Armor (any heavy), legendary (requires attunement)

Powered armor resembles a suit of unusual plate armor, with finely articulated joints connected by an oily, black, leather-like material. The armor has been worked to create the appearance of a heavily muscled warrior, and its great helm is unusual in that it has no openings — only a broad glass plate in the front with a second piece of glass above it. Strange plates, tubing, and large metal bosses adorn the armor in seemingly random fashion. On the back of the armor’s left gauntlet is a rectangular metal box, from which projects a short rod tipped with a cone-shaped red crystal. Plate consists of shaped, interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body. A suit of armor includes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and thick layers of padding underneath the armor. Buckles and straps distribute the weight over the body.

Basic Functionality. While wearing this armor, you gain the following benefits:

  • Grants AC 14 + DEX modifier.
  • Your Strength score is 18 (this has no effect if your Strength is already 18 or higher).
  • The machine spirit and mechanisms in the armor attempt to keep you alive when you are dropped to 0 hit points. Instead of dying at the start of your turn, you die at the start of the next turn.

Advanced Functions. The armor has further capabilities that can be powered either by the suits power plant or by your own life energy (see the Kwalish Modified trait). Whenever you use the integrated power source roll 1d20, on a 1 the power plant of the armor is depleted and it looses that particular trait. It always has power to use its basic functionality even if the advanced functions are all depleted:

  • Emit a force field to gain 15 temporary hit points. The force field blocks force effects that target the armor so long as it has at least 1 hp. So long as the force field has 1 hp at the start of your turn, it refreshes back up to 15 temporary hit points. It does not regenerate if it has 0 hit points at the start of your turn. The force field can be brought down by special electrical weapons called “Emps”. A force field hit by an EMP is brought down to 0 immediately and does not regenerate.
  • Activate boosters to gain a flying speed of 15 feet for 1 minute.
  • Fire arm-mounted laser: Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 (or your ranged attack bonus) to hit, range 120 feet, one target. Hit: 2d6 radiant damage.
  • Translate any writing you can see in any nonmagical language, to a total of one thousand words over 1 minute.
  • Fill the armor with air, allowing you to breathe normally in any environment for up to 1 hour.
  • Gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet for up to 1 hour.

Kwalish Modified. This particular battle armour has been modified to fit a Small sized humanoid.  In fact, it is large enough (8 feet tall) that a small creature has ample space in the chest area to sleep in:

  • A damage threshold of 5.
  • HPs equal to 5x your level to a maximum of 100. These hit points must be repaired not healed. If the armor is reduced to 0 hit points it stops functioning entirely until fixed.
  • While the armor is at full hit points, the driver is immune to all damage except critical hits (causing half damage to the driver), psychic (which effects the driver directly) and electrical damage which bypass the defences of the machine and damage is split between the armor and the driver (an active forcefield prevents this).
  • The armor itself is immune to necrotic, psychic and poison damage.
  • The armor can be powered by life force. As a bonus action the driver can sacrifice 1 HD to power one of the armors advanced functions instead of rolling a depletion die. A depleted function can always be powered by the sacrifice of life force (HD). If you sacrifice a HD and it reduces you to less than 0 HD you die at the start of your next round drained of all life and have disadvantage on any CON saving throw to be resurrected.  However, you can use all the functions of the armor in the round you made the sacrifice.

There is likely to be other, even more powerful, models within the Sky Fortress.

Posted in 5e, Gear, Science-Fantasy, The Ninth World


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