A new monastic tradition for the monk class for my upcoming 5e Oriental Adventures campaign set in Rokugan.
Shinsei is a figure in the history of Rokugan whose nature and true identity are shrouded in mystery and legend. He spoke for many days with the first emperor Hantei, and his words are recorded in the Tao of Shinsei, a text that guides emperors and samurai as well as humble monks. Shinsei also led the Seven Thunders — the greatest heroes of the seven Great Clans—into the Shadowlands to combat the evil of Fu Leng, creating the Twelve Black Scrolls that bound the Evil One’s power for a thousand years. Shintao monks are dedicated to following his teachings, both to further their own quest for enlightenment and to continue his crusade against the evil of the Shadowlands.
Code of Conduct
Shintao monks must follow certain rules of life in order to maintain the purity of their souls and continue their advancement toward enlightenment. They are forbidden to eat meat (though they may eat fish), commit murder or theft, or marry. Shintao monks are expected to avoid causing violence, though circumstances can make that impossible. Gluttony and drunkenness are vices to be avoided, and holy places must be treated with respect. Shintao monks cannot accumulate wealth or become involved in politics. A Shintao monk who violates this code of conduct or strays from a lawful good alignment cannot gain new levels as a Shintao monk but retains all monk class abilities. Assuming he remains lawful, he can continue to advance in the monk class.
At 3rd level, you can detect taint as the spell, at will. Additionally, once per day, you may attempt to smite a Shadowlands opponent with one unarmed attack. You add 2d8 radiant damage to the strike. A Shadowlands opponent is a monster with the Shadowlands descriptor or a character with a negative Taint modifier. If you accidentally smite a creature that is not Tainted, the smite has no effect but it is still used up for that day.
Beginning at 3rd level, once per day, you can add 1d4+1 to an ability check.
From 3rd level, you are immune to the stunned condition as well as sleep and slowing effects (the related spell for example).
Once per day, from 6th level you can use protection from energy (fire or cold only). Also, you can cause your entire body to become suffused with a heatless fire that sheds light as a light spell. You can use this ability once per level per day. You may spend 2 ki to enhance the light effect into a daylight spell.
Once per day, at 11th level you can use greater invisibility. You may now also use ki points to enhance the damage of your shadowland smite ability. You can increase the damage by 1 die for each ki point spent.
At 11th level, your wounds heal extraordinarily quickly. You recover 1 hit point per level per hour, without needing to rest for the healing to take place.
You gain a gaze attack which you may use twice per day from the following options:
Great Silence. You target one creature within 30 feet. When the target meets your gaze, it must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. If the target fails this save, it is struck mute for 1 minute. A mute character cannot speak or cast spells with a verbal component.
Kukan-Do. You target one creature within 30 feet. When the target meets your gaze, it must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. If the target fails this save, it and the monk are locked in a kind of elemental stasis, preventing both of them from mustering their spiritual energies. Neither the target nor the monk can use any spells or abilities that mimic spells. Either character can attack or use skills.