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D&D and the Divine Lores

Previous posts in this series:

D&D and the Old World
D&D and the Winds of Magic
D&D and the Arcane Lores

 This post focuses on the Divine Lores and fitting them into the D&D 5e ruleset with the end goal of running an Old World campaign using D&D.  Divine Lores are easier to fit into D&D with a minimum of change since they are essentially Cleric Domains.  Historically, in WFRP, the Divine Lores are customised on a per god basis and add a lot of flavour to priest character.  I have included two examples of a wholly customised domain as they are quite unique and nothing in the default setting fits these particular powers well.  For the rest, for simplicity sake, I used the Player’s Handbook Domains for. 


Priests receive magical power through prayer and devotion.


Manann is the God of the Sea.  He is the patron of all those who make their living on the sea, from fisherman and sailors to marines and pirates.  Priests of Manann use spells from their deity to help worshippers weather the capriciousness of the sea and Manann himself. Clerics who often call upon Manann find their tempers becoming fickle and tempestuous, and their moods waxing and waning of the moon.


Manann Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1st fog cloud, shape water*
3rd water breathing, wall of water*
5th water walkingtidal wave*
7th maelstrom*, watery sphere*
9th conjure water elemental (CR 10)

* Temple of Elemental Evil Player Companion

Bonus Proficiency
You gain the Sea Vehicle proficiency and can use your Wisdom or Religion skill to navigate from 1st level.

Blessed Voyage
At 1st level, you pray for Manann’s blessings at the beginning of a sea voyage.  Any navigation related checks are made with advantage for the entirety of the trip.  If you are aboard the ship during the voyage the chance of bad weather is reduced by half and the chance of good weather is doubled.

Channel Divinity: Firebane/Waterboon
At 2nd level, you may turn or destroy creatures of the fire and water type.  You may also take command of a freewill or summoned water elementals if they fail a Charisma saving throw against your Spell Save DC (if free-willed) or a contested check against the summoner using your Wisdom for the test.  Finally, you may bolster a water elemental that is under your control.  For 1 minute it gains your level in temporary hit points and adds your proficiency to its attack, damage and saving throws.

Water Blast
Starting at 6th level as a bonus action you may convert the damage type of any combat spell you cast to bludgeoning as the attack’s element is replaced with seawater.  In addition to the damage type change the attack automatically extinguishes nonmagical fire and any magical fire of equal or lower level than the spell.  If the target is a creature it must make a Strength ability check vs your spellcasting DC or fall prone.

Blessing of the Sea Sprites
At 8th level, you gain a swim speed equal to your normal movement speed and water breathing as a permanent trait.  In addition, the duration of your domain spells are doubled (where applicable).

Curse of the Albatross
At 18th level, you can call down doom on enemies of Manann.  Pick a point you can see, all creatures you designate within a 20-foot sphere are automatically cursed.  All attacks against the designated creatures have advantage and those attacks critical threat range is doubled for the next minute.


Morr is the God of Death and Dreams.  He is the lord of the underworld and protects the dead and dreamers.  His Priests provide funerary rites to the dead and do Morr’s work in the world.  Those who call upon Morr’s miracles often find themselves becoming pale and somewhat distracted from this world.  They often feel duty bound to aid ghosts or other trapped spirits.


You see death not as something to be feared, but as a final rest and reward for a life well spent.  The taint of undeath is a mockery of what you hold dear.

Morr Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1st sending (via dreams only), gentle repose
3rd speak with dead, death ward
5th dream, undeath to death (as circle of death but only affects undead)
7th ethereal Jaunt (as the monster trait of the same name, finger of death
9th astral projectionforesight

Destroy Undead
At 1st level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon with radiant damage.  Once per round, you may add a proficiency die’s worth of radiant damage to your weapon attack as well as your Wisdom modifier if the target is an undead.

Channel Divinity: Gentle Rest
At 2nd level, your touch can fill a creature with lethargy, causing a living creature to become stunned for 1 round as a melee attack.  If you touch a stunned living creature, that creature falls asleep (as the sleep spell) instead.  Undead creatures touched are stunned for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier.   If the undead is already stunned and has a CR lower than your level it must make a Spell Save DC or be utterly destroyed.

Sign of the Raven
Starting at 6th level as a bonus action once per day you may summon a ghostly raven (the symbol of Morr) that casts the shadow of death over the field.  You and all your allies within 60 feet add +1 to all your damage rolls.  This ability can be used once per day for 1 minute.  At 14th level, the damage increases to +2.

Vision of Morr
At 8th level, you pray to Morr and ask for a vision relating to a problem you are currently experiencing.  This works as the commune spell but will answer 1 question in some detail (as opposed to 3 yes and no questions).

Channel Divinity: Sleep of Death
At 18th level, you cause a group of enemies within a 20-foot sphere centred on you to slumber like the dead.  Those affected fall asleep (as the sleep spell) unless they make a successful Wisdom saving throw.  This miracle is often used to calm the bereaved. Particularly the noisy ones.  If any of the targets are undead they must make a Constitution saving throw or take 10d8 radiant damage or half as much on a successful save.


Myrmidia is the Goddess of Soldiers and Strategists, and patron deity of Estalia and Tilea. She offers a counterpoint to the fury of the barbarous Ulric, promoting the art and science of warfare.  Her Priests spread her teachings amongst armies and mercenaries bands and use their spells to prove the superiority of Myrmidia’s way of warfare.  Those who call upon Myrmidia often become quick to act, uncaring of overwhelming odds, and very loud in their speech.

  • PHB Domain: War


Ranald is the God of Good Fortune.  He is often associated with thieves, rogues, gamblers, and other unsavoury characters, but the common folk also view Ranald as a patron. Priests of Ranald are tricksters by nature and use their spells as they think Ranald intended. Those that call upon Ranald often find themselves obsessed with change, gambling and telling tall tales.

  • PHB Domain: Trickery


Shallya is the Goddess of Healing and Mercy. In a world beset by war, disease, and pain, Shallya offers comfort and for that, she has the love of the common folk. Her Priests use spells to give aid to those in need. Those who call upon Shallya often become placid and peaceful in nature, prone to weeping in their sleep, and possessed of a powerful pain threshold.

  • PHB Domain: Life


Sigmar is the legendary founder of the Empire and its patron power. Sigmar protects his people and gives them the power to smite their enemies. Priests of Sigmar use spells from their patron to further the purposes of the church, defend the Empire, and combat heresy. Those who call upon Sigmar often find that they tend toward leadership and protection of the common folk.

  • PHB Domain: Light, War or Tempest


Taal is the Lord of Nature, and husband to Rhya, the Mother of the Earth. He watches over the creatures of the wild places, whilst Rhya holds guardianship of the earth and its fertility. Taal and Rhya are worshipped as joint, yet distinct deities. Their Priests must protect the huge tracts of land Rhya calls her own, and defend Taal’s children from destruction by Man or Chaos. Those who often call upon Taal and Rhya’s aid find that they are seldom ill and have near-boundless enthusiasm, but become melancholy in cities and towns.

  • PHB Domain: Nature


Ulric is the God of Battle and Winter. He has been worshipped since ancient times; indeed Ulric was the patron of Sigmar himself. His Priests are as fierce as wolves and they use spells to win more glorious victories in Ulric’s name. Those who call upon Ulric often find that they prefer cold to heat, and seldom feel at home in civilised areas.

  • PHB Domain: Tempest


Verena is the Goddess of Learning and Justice. All those who seek to redress an injustice pray to her, as do many scholars and Wizards. Priests of Verena use her spells to punish tyrants, criminals, and wrongdoers of all sorts and to bring justice where there is none. Those who call upon Verena often tend to judge themselves very harshly and possess good memories for detail.

  • PHB Domain: Knowledge

Posted in 5e, Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer

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