Inspired by the zine “Ten People You Meet in the Undergarden”. I think this whole zine works well in the Gardens of Ynn. Gerard guards…
I am taking a DM’ing break after the Iron Gods Adventure Path while a friend runs Horde of the Dragon Queen. Nice to be a player again. However…
We took a break due to various reasons – weddings, Christmas (and related parties) for about a month. When we came back the party was…
The Crimson Lotus Gang: Charisma, a “human” -mutant- sorceress whose power source is Gamma Radiation which she was exposed to as a child. As a…
Ahh Gerrzog, the original adventure was designed for 1st level characters so something like a glaberzu would be impossible for the group to take on…
The insane mage that is at the heart of all the chaos currently on the Infinite Stairway. She was the one who summoned Gerzog the…
This was on the random encounter list for Tales from the Infinite Stairway. Didn’t come up in the random rolls but it was too fun…
Enthralled by Gerrzog’s inherent charm ability, Unthre the wamor believes that he will become a general in the glabrezu’s armies, which will amass here on…
These creatures didn’t actually pose a real threat against a level 15 party… however… the nature of the encounter – characters need the spiders web…
This golem was created by Selûne herself and protects the Gates of the Moon, the entry way into the base of the Infinite Staircase. This was…