There are no dire rats in 5th edition. Fixed. Your welcome. DIRE RAT Medium beast, unaligned Armour Class 12 Hit Points 12 (3d8) Speed 30ft.…
I had Hellion make announcement through out Scrapwall over loudspeakers tracking the parties progress as well as random insane ramblings inspired by our friend the…
HOT-SHOT CHARGE PACK This is a powerful charge pack for a las weapon, favoured by snipers in some Imperial Guard regiments. Each hot-shot charge pack…
Gave this to Nalakai. He promptly shot two shurikens which missed and embedded themselves into the skymetal wall. The monk in the party, Sylvannus, gasp…
Our heroes do some series X-File style paranormal investigation in the Haunted Wreck
This dog-sized, scorpion like robot has a plasma torch mounted on a stinger-like limb and gripping claws on its forelegs.
Session 8 and some ghost busting at Aldronard Keep
You have 5 seconds to comply. 4. 3. 2. 1. I am now authorized to use physical force.